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< Previous PageDropdown-entry-values (DEV)
(proofed 6.10.13/ef)
NOTE - Do NOT use quote marks inside a DD. Use double apostrophe instead. Do NOT use parentheses. It probably won't work to include $ in the visible dropdown and if it's not working with numerals in visible dropdown, try removing them also.
1. Prices can be controlled globally using Dropdown-entry-values (DEV) variables.
2. DEV variables will adjust the "price" of an item.
3. "Price" of an item can be entered as one or more of the following:
A. Baseprice
B. Plus Pricing
C. Utilizing Price field at Edit page
4. Creating DEV variable:
A. Review the Item page, confirm "price" will be controlled by a function listed above
B. Certain symbols prompt program to behave differently:
(1) Exclamation point
a. Not display the (!) or anything that follows it in the options dropdown.
b. Match DEV value with the dropdown text for given item.
c. Upcharge the "price" by the percentage following the "! - " in DEV field.
d. Add amount following the "! - " in DEV field to the "price"
(2) Asterisk
a. Will cause program to exclude amount in DEV field from any additional upcharges.
b. Examples:
i. Special Packaging
ii. Bottom Notching
iii. Other options
C. Create DEV variable
(1) In Edit Mode (but not at the Edit Screen) click the yellow Variables button.
(2) Navigate to the DEV field.
(3) Add to existing section or add new section. Current sections:
a. -------- Material AND Thickness --------
b. -------- Material ONLY --------
c. -------- Thickness ONLY --------
d. -------- Miscellaneous --------
e. -------- Yes, ADD --------
f. -------- HEMLOCK RAIL SETS --------
D. Create item dropdown
(1) Important: Dropdown must match what is in DEV field minus "! and all that follows"
(2) Examples:
a. "Oak !1" in "Material" dropdown and Oak !1" - 40% in DEV field
Will cause program to Upcharge the "price" by 40%
b. "Poplar !1" in "Material" dropdown and Poplar !1" - (+$5.00) in DEV field
Will cause program to add $5.00 to the "price"
c. "Hemlock !1" in "Material" dropdown & Hemlock !1" - (+$6.51)* in DEV field
Will cause program to add $6.51 to the "price" after all other charges
5. Current options being controlled globally with DEV:
A. All Material Types
B. Thickness
C. Framing
D. Special packaging
E. Glass options for Doors
F. Bottom Notching
G. Adding top and/or bottom rails
6. Several Materials and other options that may have more than one upcharge.
A. The different upcharges are given individual DEV listings.
B. Cedar is the same price as Poplar/Pine for most products, but may be a different upcharge for
other products and thicknesses.
(1) Each variation of the upcharge is listed separately, but distinguished with a different number
following the exclamation point.
(2) The way the option for Cedar is listed in the dropdown will determine what upcharge if any
will be applied to the "price".
a. Cedar !1 - 0% is used when there is no upcharge for Cedar.
b. Cedar !2 - 10% is used when there is a 10% upcharge for Cedar.
c. Cedar !3 - 20% is used when there is a 20% upcharge for Cedar.
d. Cedar, 1'' and 1-1/4'' thick !4 - 20% is used when there is a 20% upcharge for an item
produced in 1" or 1-1/4" Cedar.
e. Cedar, 1-1/2'' thick !5 - 0% is used when there is no upcharge for an item produced in
1-1/2" Cedar.
f. Cedar, 1-1/4'' thick !6 - 20% is used when there is a 20% upcharge for an item
produced in 1-1/4" Cedar.
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