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Miscellaneous Fittings

# SM-FITwd

If you want an over-the-post railing system, you'll need Fittings that match the profile of your Handrail. The second digit of the Fitting should match the second digit of the Handrail. Example: Fitting SM-7716 matches Handrail SM-6710. But, the Fittings with a second digit of "0" only fit the 6010 Handrail, not the 6005 and 6019 Handrails. In the Design/Material dropdown below the corresponding Handrail number is in parentheses ( ). The specific Fittings needed will depend upon your stairway layout.

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Rail Bolts and plugs are included with all Fittings. Fittings may be returned within 30 days of receipt for a 15% restocking fee. Drawings not to scale. Please also see our Riser Fittings.

The following fittings are available in Oak or Maple as indicated.

To view PRICES, scroll below graphics on this page and select a Fitting design.
SM-7009, 7209, N7209, 7709, 7809

SM-7009 - Oak or Maple
SM-7209 - Oak
SM-N7209 - Oak or Maple
SM-7709 - Oak or Maple
SM-7809 - Oak
SM-7010, 7210, N7210, 7710, 7810

SM-7010 - Oak or Maple
SM-7210 - Oak
SM-N7210 - Oak or Maple
SM-7710 - Oak or Maple
SM-7810 - Oak
SM-7011, 7211, N7211, 7711, 7811

SM-7011 - Oak or Maple
SM-7211 - Oak
SM-N7211 - Oak or Maple
SM-7711 - Oak or Maple
SM-7811 - Oak
SM-7012, 7212, N7212, 7712, 7812

SM-7012 - Oak or Maple
SM-7212 - Oak
SM-N7212 - Oak or Maple
SM-7712 - Oak or Maple
SM-7812 - Oak
SM-7013, 7213, N7213, 7713, 7813

SM-7013 - Oak or Maple
SM-7213 - Oak
SM-N7213 - Oak or Maple
SM-7713 - Oak or Maple
SM-7813 - Oak
SM-7014, 7214, N7214, 7714, 7814

SM-7014 - Oak or Maple
SM-7214 - Oak
SM-N7214 - Oak or Maple
SM-7714 - Oak or Maple
SM-7814 - Oak
SM-7015, 7215, N7215, 7715, 7815

        SM-7015 - Oak
        SM-7215 - Oak
        SM-N7215 - Oak
        SM-7715 - Oak
        SM-7815 - Oak
SM-7016, 7216, N7216 7716, 7816

SM-7016 - Oak or Maple
SM-7216 - Oak
SM-N7216 - Oak or Maple
SM-7716 - Oak
SM-7816 - Oak
SM-7019, 7219, N7219, 7719, 7819

                      SM-7019 - Oak or Maple
                      SM-7219 - Oak
                      SM-N7219 - Oak or Maple
                      SM-7719 - Oak or Maple
                      SM-7819 - Oak
SM-7020, 7220, N7220, 7720, 7820

SM-7020 - Oak or Maple
SM-7220 - Oak
SM-N7220 - Oak or Maple
SM-7720 - Oak or Maple
SM-7820 - Oak
SM-7021, 7221, N7221, 7721, 7821

SM-7021 - Oak or Maple
SM-7221 - Oak
SM-N7221 - Oak or Maple
SM-7721 - Oak or Maple
SM-7821 - Oak

Order Below

SM-7021SP, 72221SP, N7221SP, 7721SP

                        SM-7021SP - Oak or Maple
                        SM-7221SP - Oak
                        SM-N721SP - Oak or Maple
                        SM-7721SP - Oak or Maple
SM-7047, 7247, N7247, 7747 SM-7048, 7248, N7248, 7748
SM-7047 - Oak or Maple        SM-7048 - Oak or Maple
SM-7247 - Oak                        SM-7248 - Oak
SM-N7247 - Oak or Maple      SM-N7248 - Oak or Maple
SM-7747 - Oak or Maple         SM-7748 - Oak or Maple

Note: 4-1/2" center to center on
Left & Right Hand "S" Turns.
SM-7030, 7230, N7230, 7730, 7830 SM-7035, 7235, N7235, 7735, 7835

SM-7030 - Oak or Maple         SM-7035 - Oak or Maple
SM-7230 - Oak                         SM-7235 - Oak
SM-N7230 - Oak or Maple      SM-N7235 - Oak or Maple
SM-7730 - Oak or Maple         SM-7735 - Oak or Maple
SM-7830 - Oak                        SM-7835 - Oak
SM-7033, 7233, N7233, 7733 SM-7038, 7238, N7238, 7738

SM-7033 - Oak or Maple        SM-7038 - Oak or Maple
SM-7233 - Oak or Maple        SM-7238 - Oak
SM-N7233 - Oak or Maple      SM-N7238 - Oak or Maple
SM-7733 - Oak or Maple         SM-7738 - Oak or Maple
SM-7040, 7240, N7240, 7740, 7840 SM-7045, 7245, N7245, 7745, 7845

SM-7040 - Oak or Maple         SM-7045 - Oak or Maple
SM-7240 - Oak                         SM-7245 - Oak
SM-N7240 - Oak or Maple      SM-N7245 - Oak or Maple
SM-7740 - Oak or Maple         SM-7745 - Oak or Maple
SM-7840 - Oak                        SM-7845 - Oak
SM-7041, 7241, N7241 SM-7046, 7246, N7246

SM-7041 - Oak or Maple        SM-7046 - Oak or Maple
SM-7241 - Oak                        SM-7246 - Oak
SM-N7241 - Oak                     SM-N7246 - Oak


VERY IMPORTANT! Read before ordering:
     Important Shipping Info

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Price: $18.48
(updates after selecting options)

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