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Overview - Online Porch Guide
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Porches Are Important
We have always believed designing and building porches is a most worthwhile endeavor. Those "graceful and peaceful surroundings" to which we committed ourselves in our very first catalog (1978) are today more sought after than ever. Indeed, one's happiness, peace of mind, and even health may be at stake in these hectic times. Anyone who's ever spent lazy summer evenings on a restful porch understands this wisdom!
However, we are also very much aware that the thoughtful design and skillful construction of even a modest porch is in danger of becoming a lost art.
Decades of Knowledge
Hence this Porch Guide... our attempt at documenting in a logical, organized (and hopefully enjoyable) manner the knowledge we have acquired since 1978 from observation, study, research, thought, and actual construction of porches!
We are aware that the success of the finished porch depends upon much more than proper construction technique, adequate building materials, or even the decorative porch items that we produce and sell. It is our strong belief that a sensitive understanding of the various elements of a porch is first necessary. Only then can one design porches that are at once elegant, balanced, functional, and lasting.
Our Parameters for this Guide
Structural Integrity - We will discuss various configurations of the basic porch; however we shall refrain from resolving questions pertaining to structural integrity. Since the specific requirements from one porch to another can vary greatly, we recommend you consult a knowledgeable architect, building designer, or contractor for assistance in this area. Also, be certain to conform with applicable local building codes.
Porch Remodeling - If your porch already exists, a great deal of the information presented throughout this Guide will be relevant. Please see the Porch Remodeling section.
Inside Applications - This Guide is written from the perspective of the exterior porch (including front, back, side, and second story porches). There are, however, a great number of applications for this
information within the home! For example, it is very dramatic to
use porch posts, railings, and other decorative porch items to divide a room, to define a sitting area, or to enhance a second floor interior balcony. Or you can simulate an outdoor porch against one wall of a room, perhaps a foot or two away from the wall, with space behind for plants. Let your imagination be your guide ... and have fun bringing the porch inside!
Throughout this guide we shall be concerned with visual impact, cost
effectiveness, ease of installation, permanence, and safety. Do not
hesitate to call us at (903) 356-2158 if you do not understand why we
are making a specific suggestion.
You Can Do It!
This is not to say that we think it takes a professional designer,
architect, or contractor to produce professional results. While
there are certainly many excellent porches designed and built by
these professionals, there is no substitute for the care and attention of the porch owner.
Whether it is your intention to physically build your own porch, only
draw the plans, or merely understand the process better, we believe
this Porch Guide will help greatly. We are, in fact, writing for both the professional and the homeowner. Our goal is to share knowledge!
Our hope is that this Porch Guide will assist in the study, design, and construction of at least one magnificent porch. We are available by phone or email for free personalized consultation.
The Folks at Vintage Woodworks
PS - This Online Guide is organized in logical order for reading from top to bottom. (Just click the Next link at the bottom of each page.)
PPS - We would be greatly honored if you would share your thoughts concerning improvements to our Online Porch Guide.
This Online Porch Guide is
dedicated to the Memory
of those past Generations
for whom The Porch was
a focal point of family life...
... and to the present
Builders of Porches,
for your efforts will be enjoyed
by Generations yet to come.
The Legal Fine Print
The information contained in this Guide is accurate to the best of our knowledge. All recommendatiions are made without guarantee. Information pertaining to structural integrity and design is presented for general reference only. Since specific requirements will vary greatly from one porch to another, we strongly recommend that you consult a knowledgeable architect, building designer, or contractor for assistance in these areas. Also be certain to conform with any local building codes that may be applicable. The author and publisher disclaim all liability incurred with the use of this information.
Copyrighted by Vintage Woodworks.
All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced without
written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may
quote brief passages or reproduce illustrations in a review with
appropriate credits; nor may any part of this guide be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by an
electronic means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other,
without written permission from the publisher.
We are available by phone or email for free personalized consultation.
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