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Porch Flooring takes a beating from foot traffic and weather. Now there’s a super durable, easy to clean, authentic looking solution - AZEK® Porch! AZEK® Porch Flooring is easy to install, easy to maintain (because there really isn't any maintenance), and very easy to live with! Just avoid rubber-backed items (door mats, pool toys, etc), abrasive cleaners, and certain products containing chemicals harmful to plastics, and your AZEK® Porch floor will still look like new many years from now! (See Care & Maintenance.)
To calculate number of Porch Boards needed, and assuming the use of Boards long enough to span the depth of your porch front to back (including 1" front overhang), convert porch length to inches and then divide by 3-3/16" (3.1875), the installed width of one board. Example: A porch which is 8 feet deep (including 1" front overhang) and 10 feet long = 120" divided by 3.1875 = 37.65 = 38 Boards, each 8 feet long. Order one extra Board.
Order your Sample Kit of AZEK® Porch Flooring and take the AZEK® Double Dare Challenge! Prove for yourself that AZEK® Porch Flooring is your best solution now and for the future!
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