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1. By definition, "Pop-up" windows are for additional information only (including larger graphics).
A. Stored at our Pop-up Windows & Miscellaneous (holding area) page
B. URL: http://www.vintagewoodworks.com/popup-misc.html
2. Pop-ups should NOT have any of the following to avoid problems at the cart for customers.
A. Navigation bars
B. Browser window navigation
C. Links to non-pop-up pages
3. Having 2 pages open will result in having two veiws of the "Shopping Cart" open.
A. One shopping cart will be working for both pages
B. Customers will have to refresh cart to view current items (cs may not know to do this)
C. If customer clicks Checkout, the most updated information will appear.
D Back button will work if cs knows to do a Refresh to obtain current items and edit as needed.
4. To create a "Pop-up" page in EDIT Mode do the following:
A. Click "Contents", "New"
B. ID = popup-name
C. Type = Item
D. Change the "Template" field to "popup."
E. Enter the no search no follow html code in the "Caption" field
F. Enter the "Close this Window" html code:
<center><a href="javascript:window.close()">Close This Window< /center>
5. At the page where the pop-up link will live, be sure the following is in the "Caption" field.
<!-- Hide Script from old browsers
function testWindow(file) {
newWindow = window.open(file,"logowin", win)
var win='toolbar=no,directories=0,
menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500, height=500';
// End hiding script from old browsers -->
6. Use the following html to create pop-up link
<a href="javascript:testWindow('pop-up window url')">clickable text</a>
7. Update page and test.
Size of the POP-up Windows can be controlled in the Javascript by changing the width and height numbers.
A different sized window can be created using the following html
<a href="name.html" onClick="MyWindow1=window.open('name.html','MyWindow1','toolbar=yes,
width=300,height=300'); return false;">linkable text</a>
In order to have several windows, rename MyWindow1 to MyWindow2, MyWindow3, and so on.
This will allow several windows to be open rather than refreshing one window that will be the same size.