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AZEK® Double Dare Challenge

Take the AZEK® Double Dare!
Unlike wood or composite materials, AZEK® Porch and Deck Boards are Cellular PVC products and do not contain wood fillers. Proprietary Procell® Technology creates a board that resists stains and scratches, yet is workable like wood. Take the AZEK® Double Dare Challenge and prove for yourself that AZEK® beats all other options hands down. You will need a sample of AZEK® (which you may order from us online) and samples of other flooring/decking materials you would like to test - wood or composite - AZEK® will triumph over all contenders!

When you have a porch or deck, wet leaves, spilled drinks, overturned plates and other messy mishaps come with the territory. Will the surface stand up to everyday substances which can cause stubborn and sometimes permanent stains? Take the Stain Test to find out.
  1. Apply a quarter-sized dollop of ketchup, BBQ sauce, or cooking oil, or other non-solvent product to a piece of AZEK® Porch or Deck Board, a piece of wood decking, and a piece of composite deck board.

  2. After 15 minutes, blot the other boards and wipe them dry.

  3. Leave the spot on the AZEK® for as long as you like, then blot and wipe dry.
AZEK® Double Dare Stain Test

Summary of Stain Test
Surfaces of wood and composite boards made with wood fillers, readily absorb everyday items such as condiments, red wine, cooking grease and wet leaves, leading to permanent stains. AZEK®, engineered without wood fillers, resist stains and mold from the inside out.

Most porch and deck surfaces simply can not stand up to the demands placed on the surface by everyday use. High heels, large doggie toe nails, and wrought iron furniture are just a few of the items which can wreak havoc on a the surface. AZEK's strong, dense surface resists scratches from all of the above and from screws and tools during the installation process. Take the Scratch Test and see for yourself.
  1. Drag a key across the surfaces of an AZEK® Porch or Deck Board, wood decking and composite deck board

  2. Try, again, using more pressure.

  3. Notice the superior grain retention and scratch resistance of AZEK® versus the wood and composite boards.
AZEK® Double Dare Scratch Test

Summary of Scratch Test
AZEK's proprietary Procell® Technology resists scratching and maintains its grain better than conventional wood or composite deck boards.

Because AZEK® does not require pre-drilling and will not split, crack or mushroom when a fastener is placed close to the edge of the board, you save time and money on your installation. Take the Workability Test and see for yourself.
  1. Many times installation requires butting two boards end to end on the same joist and screwing them together at the edge. Simulate this effort by driving a screw 3/8” from the edge of the wood decking and composite deck board, without pre-drilling.

  2. Drive the screw into the AZEK® board as close to the edge as you like. Notice the screw does not split or crack the AZEK®, no matter how close to the edge it is positioned.

  3. Take a composite deck board, place the screw 2” from the edge and insert without pre-drilling. Did it mushroom?

  4. Place the screw 2” from the edge of the AZEK® board and insert screw without pre-drilling. Notice the ease with which you can countersink the screw without mushrooming or distorting the surface.
AZEK® Double Dare Workability Test

Summary of Workability Test
Since AZEK® does not require pre-drilling and double joisting to prevent splitting, cracking, or distortion when fastening the boards with screws, AZEK® can be installed quickly and easily with beautiful results.

By now you should be convinced AZEK® is the next generation for porch flooring and for decking! It's your best solution for ease of installation, permanent good looks with practically no maintenance, and high resale value should you ever leave it behind.

If you have additional questions please contact us.

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