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Use the Template found at Wiki
When Changing URL Checklist
1. We can now enter a desired URL (as long as it does not already exist) for any given page.
2. To create a new page with specific URLs do the following:
A. EDIT Mode - click "Contents."
B. Click "New."
C. Enter desired URL name excluding ".html" suffix in the "Id:" field.
D. Leave the "Type:" field at the default "Item."
E. Click "Continue." (You will be sent to the Edit page of this new item.)
F. Notice that the page will have the Fields associated with Item pages.
such as: "Code," "Price," "Sale Price," and "Options."
G. Orderable" button
(1) Set to NO if creating a section page
(2) Set to YES if creating an item page
H. Hide Product button
(1) Default on new page. Set to display an ITEM page fields.
(2) Click button to change to "Show Product." Set to display SECTION page fields.
I. Change 'Fields' associated with type of page being created
3. Update page.
4. Move to appropriate section of store.
A. Click "Cut."
B. Navigate to appropriate page.
C. Locate Clipboard (beneath yellow buttons).
D. Click on (previously) cut page
E. Program will automatically add page as last item in Contents field.
(1) If page needs to be in a different
3. Updating the Section will create a “Floating” page.
A. To change and have the section be part of the Homepage tree do the following:
(1) Cut “Section” page
(2) Navigate to where the section will live and paste
B. If wanting a “Floating” page no other action required except to click “Update”
4. Edit newly developed page and fill in required fields for a section and update.
(See # Section Pages)
1. To create a new Item page with specific URLS, follow steps A - E in Step # 2 of
2. Fill in required fields for an item and update. (See # Item Pages)
4. Updating the Item will create a “Floating” page.
A. To change and have the section be part of the Homepage tree do the following:
(1) Cut “Section” page
(2) Navigate to where the item will live and paste
B. If wanting a “Floating” page no other action required.
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