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Spacing of Sawn Balusters Previous | Table of Contents | Next
Balusters Touching
Sawn Balusters are often installed with their edges touching, as shown here. (Click on photo for additional views.) This will create a new pattern between each pair of Balusters. However, it is very likely some or all of your Balustrade Sections will require something other than a full number of Sawn Balusters.
For example, if you have a 70" long Balustrade Section and your Sawn Balusters are each 7" wide you will use 10 complete Sawn
Balusters. But, if your section is only 65" long it will
not be possible to use either 9 or 10 full Balusters, as 65" is not
divisible by 7. There are several possibilities:
End Spaces
It is ok to leave a blank space beyond the first and last Sawn Baluster providing this space is no more than half the width of a Baluster. If it is more, then add another Baluster. You may also use a plain piece of board of the same thickness as the Balusters to fill these end spaces.
Equal Spaces
It is important that these end spaces, whether open or filled, be approximately the same width on either side of a Porch Post or the imbalance will be apparent. Thus, as with Turned and Plain Square Balusters, you must lay out each Balustrade section with adjoining sections in mind.
Porch Post Placement
It's best to actually start your planning with the placement of the Porch Posts, as it will be much easier to balance the Balustrade Sections if each are the same length. Often the opening left for steps can be altered to favorably adjust your Porch Post Spacing. Newel Posts on either side of the step opening can also be used to adjust Porch Post spacing.
Balusters Separated
Sawn Balusters can be installed with an equal space between each pair. This certainly simplifies the overall spacing issue, as the space between Balusters can be adjusted slightly to force the overall spacing to work out to your advantage. Just be sure that the end spaces adhere to the principles set forth above.
Interspersed with Plain Boards
You can use a plain board between each pair of Sawn Balusters.
Centered Sawn Balusters
Your Sawn Balusters can be grouped together in the center of each Balustrade Section with plain boards on either side.
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