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Quick Estimate
By assuming 6" on center (o.c.) spacing, which is two Balusters per foot, you can get a quick estimate of the total number of Balusters. Just measure the number of feet that will be occupied by Balusters (space between pairs of Posts) and double that to get the number of Balusters you need.
Example: 50 feet of balustrade x 2 = 100 Balusters needed.
On Center Spacings Other Than 6"
When you know how many feet of balustrade you have:
First convert your intended on center (o.c.) spacing to its decimal
equivalent by dividing
the upper number of the fractional inch by the lower number.
For example, 5-1/4" o.c. = 5.25" because 1 divided by 4 is .25.
Next divide 12 (inches in 1 foot) by the o.c. to determine the number of Balusters
needed per foot. Finally, multiple that by the number of feet of balustrade you need.
Example: 12/5.25 o.c. = 2.286/foot x 50 feet of balustrade = 114.3 Balusters needed.
(Better to round up to the next whole Baluster and call it 115.)
When you know how many inches of balustrade you have:
Divide the total inches of balustrade by your intended o.c.
Example: 600" of total balustrade / 5.25 o.c. = 114.3 Balusters.
(Better to round up to the next whole Baluster and call it 115.)
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