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Post Top Decorations

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Post Top Items are the decorative components
used between the tops of Porch Posts.
(Items in dark brown in the drawing just below.)

Porch Eave Decorations

Spandrels are rows of Balls & Dowels, Spindles, or Cutwork. They are typically installed directly below the Beam, extending from one Post Top to another. If the distance between posts is too long for one Spandrel panel, a Drop (2" square piece with a turned end) can be used between multiple Spandrels. Drops are available in custom lengths to accommodate the Spandrel's height. Spandrels are available in custom lengths.

Additionally, any of our Spandrels can include several options:
      • Heavier top and/or bottom rails.
      • Gallery Rails (small Ball & Dowel or Spindle Spandrels) built into the Spandrel.
      • Small Cutwork Spandrels - built into the Spandrel.

The type of Spandrel chosen is a matter of personal taste. It is very appropriate to mix types between Spandrels and Brackets. For example, a Ball & Dowel Spandrel is fine with a Cutwork Bracket.
Two Spandrels separated
You can stack two Spandrels
to add visual mass.

Brackets are applied beneath the Spandrel or directly beneath the Beam, if a Spandrel is not used. They are centered against the side of the Posts. Brackets can, of course, be mounted either vertically or horizontally. The type of Bracket chosen is a matter of personal taste.
Brackets below Spandrels
Brackets below Spandrels enchance your porch!

Running Trims
Running Trims are characterized by their repeating pattern. They can be used below Spandrels, running from Bracket to Bracket, or they can be used without Brackets. Often a Drop (2" square piece with a turned end) is positioned at the end of the Bracket, with the Running Trim then butting into the other side of the Drop. A very nice extra touch is to order your Running Trim with a moulded Top Rail attached. This will give additional detailing to the finished porch at very little extra expense and will simplify installation.
Running Trim between Brackets.

Running Trim without Brackets.

Medallions provide additional decoration in the Post Top area of your porch. They are positioned against the side of each Post, directly below the Beam. Traditionally, they are only used in conjunction with Spandrels or between two closely spaced Posts.

When used with Spandrels, the Medallion must be of the same depth as the Spandrel, as the Spandrel will butt against the Medallion. Often a Drop is used as a transitional element between Medallion and Spandrel. When Medallions are used between pairs of closely spaced Posts, they take the place of Spandrels, and will often also replace the Brackets.

Medallion used between Porch Posts

Medallion used between pair of Porch Posts.

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