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The beam above the Posts is generously tall on this new porch. That allowed the use of relatively large Freize Brackets on the face of the beam. Brackets installed like this are a great way to achieve a traditional and pleasing Third Dimension.
Note how the end of the porch eave in the foreground is constructed. By setting the beam back an appropriate distance from the face of the siding, a secondary soffit is created. This allowed Freize Brackets to be installed here as well. Another way to handle this is to "hip" the porch roof, thereby eliminating the triangular section of siding. You can see an example of a hipped porch roof at Porch Photo #9.
Post Face Brackets complete The Third Dimension while also tying beam, soffit and Posts together visually. The Third Dimension is a very important design consideration if your goal is a traditionally appearing porch.
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