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1. First test:
Rather than an A/B style test, we've decided to point the top 4 PPC Google Ads to our 6 Porch layouts for one complete day for each and use Analytics to determine success for each page. This will take 12 days for all 6 layouts, since we can't use the day we change.
Simultaneously with the running of this test, we can also create and go public with 'replacement' layouts for Porch Components, such as Porch Design, Porch Ideas, Verandas, etc. This will help move Porch Components to a more pure state, which should help the bounce rate.
We can't use the Porch Components page URL for the test due to the number of PPC ads that point to loggia, stoop, veranda, etc. Therefore, it's going to be nec. to point some of our PPC to a new 'porch' URL for this test. We need to get a page ready asap so we can start pointing to it. Later, when we're ready, we can start the test.
Later we can test putting photos to the right of the 3 numbered paragraphs.
2. We can offer a free Porch Book or $10 off next $50 purchase for completing a simple online survey, but I don't know where we'd put the survey page. Survey questions:
A. Which search word(s) did you use to find this website?
B. What were you hoping to find here (info, photos, products, something else)? Please be specific.
C. What would make our website better for you?
How to Proceed w/ new landing pages:
1. Brainstorm and draw mockups for the next page.
2. Determine if there are related pages that can use this or a very similar layout. If so, send as a batch to one processor.
3. Turn over to others for additional research and actual page creation at WM.
Step followed to build the list below:
1. Compare Ad Words and Analytics to determine the next most popular keywords.
2. Of that found set of KW, combine like terms in the list below that will be optimized onto one page.
3. Go thru Analytics and Ad Words further (sorted by clicks) to locate all additional versions of those terms to use in copywriting.
Pages to Build first (in order)
porch designs,
porch design,
free porch designs,
design porch,
porch design ideas, design a porch, porches designs
porch, porches, wood porch, wood porches, wooden porch, wooden porches, porch ideas, porch kits, porch styles, decorating porches, porch additions, porch details, house porches, porch decorating ideas, house porch, porch decorating, open porch, porch décor
front porch, front porches, front gabled porch, front porch ideas, front porch additions, front porch decorating, front porch styles
front porch designs, front porch design, small front porch designs
porch plans, house plans with porches, porch house plans, porch drawings
front porch plans
how to build a porch, building a porch, building a front porch, how to build a front porch, diy porch, building porches, build a porch, porch construction, porch building, building porch, how to build porch, do it yourself porch,
screened porch (*should have existing page already), screen porch designs, how to screen in a porch, screened lanai, screened porch plans, screened porches, screened in porches, screened deck, screened porch designs, screened in decks, screened in porch, screen porch, pictures of screened porches, screened porch pictures, screen porch plans, screen porch pictures
portico, porticos, portico design, portico designs
lanai, what is a lanai, lanais, lanai designs, lanai porch, covered lanai,
porch steps, building front steps, how to build porch steps,
pictures of porches, front porch pictures, front porch pictures and designs, pictures of front porches, porch pictures, porch photos, porches pictures, porch pics,
(not in order from here down)
back porches, back porch designs, back yard porches
loggias, loggia designs, what is a loggia
porte cocheres
side porches
stoops, stoop designs
veranda, verandas, build a veranda, veranda plans, veranda photos, veranda designs, etc.
wrap around porches
covered porches, covered porch designs, covered porch plans
country porches, farmers porch, the country porch,
how to build a porch roof, porch roofs, porch roof designs, porch cover
craftsman porch, mission style, arts and crafts, bungalow, etc.
victorian porch, victorian porches
colonial porches
cottage porches