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That's great! I love planning new porches. But first, we have to have a little heart-to-heart talk. Your close attention, please.
Before you build a porch you need a design. However, (and this is experience talking) you can't design a great porch unless you understand how the various components relate to one another and to the overall success of a porch. Indeed, how well your new porch turns out is directly proportional to how much effort we put into the design stage.
There are more things to consider than you yet realize. However, the most appropriate person to design your porch is the same person who will be enjoying with it . . . YOU!
I'll make this promise: if you'll stay with me on this I'll save you lots of time and money, and you'll be rewarded with a great porch! As I always say, life is not merely results, however grand, but also the thoughts, actions, and individual moments leading to a goal. Embrace the learning process, take time to design well, enjoy the details, and your dream porch will be a source of constant joy for many years to come!
Let's get started.
I'm ready!
Can I really do this?
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