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< Previous PageFlattened New Product Page Audit Trail
After a product page has been flattened in WM, before transferring "Flattened Page" to
the store, you need to preserve the pages that will no longer be orderable.
1. Create a new page in "OLD PAGES" (see "New Page Creation".)
A. ID: ex. old-other-trad-brkts (copy link/write down)
B. Type: item.
C. Name: (ex. OLD Other Traditional Brackets)
D. Orderable: No
E. Caption: Add the 2 lines of No Search/No Follow HTML text to top of Caption by
copy/paste from an existing page.
F. Abstract: (nsnf)
G. Click "New Property":
(1) Name: parent
(2) Type: ids
H. Fill "Parent" Property: index
2. If the "Items Per Page" are too many to live on one page, add a "New Property."
A. Title: items-per-page
B. Property Type: number
C. Fill "Items Per Page" Property: 50
3. Paste "id" into "OLD PAGES" cover page at the beginning of the "Content" section for it to
live in "Old Pages".
4. Copy all ID's from "Contents" public cover page & paste in the newly created "OLD PAGE"
content section.
5. Breadcrumbs: The last page where an "ID" is entered into "Contents" will become the
"Foster" parent for that ID. To get around this, go to the page you want to show publicly as
the "Parent" in the breadcrumbs, cut all "IDs" from that page's "Contents", and then update.
Next, paste those "ID's" back into "Contents" and update again. Proof that all are now in
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