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Do we still need to consider these links, I think this all changed when we converted the store. Having Left Nav & Related Pages make the store much easier to navigate.
RG. - 11/23/08
email (from GT on 3/23)
I think we can provide our web visitors improved navigation with the
following links:
1. Put a 4th link on the Newel Info page: 'Back to Newel Posts'.
2. Put similar 'Back to ____' links at the bottom of all of the other
Info pages at the website.
3. Individual Info pages have links at a main Info page. Example:
'Designing & Decoration Porches' link at 'Porch Info' page. Each of
these individual linked Info pages should have a 'Back to _____
Information' link at the bottom that points back to the main Info
page the visitor was previously at. Example: 'Designing & Decoration
Porches' page should have a 'Back to Porch Information' link at the
bottom. (BTW, right now 'Des. & Dec. Porches' has a 'Review our
products' link near the bottom that should be removed.
4. The concept of product links is generally a good one. Therefore,
just before the 'Back to...' links everywhere, I think we should add
'Shop for _____' links like we have near the bottom of the Porch
Photos page http://www.vintagewoodworks.com/products/porchphotos.asp
These 'Shop for___' links should be specific to the Info section they
are located in. Example: the 'Shop for ___' link at 'Porch Info' page
should be 'Shop for Porch Posts, Balusters, Rails, etc.' The 'Shop
for ___' link at 'Porch Post Info' should be 'Shop for Porch Posts'.